Another year. Another trip down south – ok, more down south. For the 2nd year in a row, the MRC team made the 8 hour trek to Columbus, GA to take part in Creative South. A 3-day design conference that brings together working creatives in one small, beautiful historic theatre to talk shop.

Is Creative South different? You bet. But of course it provides much of the expected. Things like getting to see adored leaders in the industry come and talk about their process and work history. And yea, the talks are expectedly inspiring and educational.  And yea – there are lots of drinks and food being served afterwards and bonding with co-workers. But, that’s normal. That’s what everyone expects when they cough up hundreds or thousands of dollars to attend these kinds of things.

Creative South is special because aside from the checklists mentioned above, its got real heart. It’s not unusual to witness design legends break up in tears while talking about their journeys or family reunion-style hugs with folks you only see 3 days out of the year. 

I’ve had conversations with friends where talks get very real about the big highs and lows of their careers – how to navigate, what’s next, how to get better. The list goes on.

The value of being in that kind of environment, where honesty is welcome and comes quick, is that bonds and trust are built quickly as well. And that’s pretty much where you get to the greatest pathway to collaboration.

In a world where things move so fast, a room full of people in your industry can quickly be seen as a room full of competitors. So, it’s awesome to participate in an event where they invite you to come as friends, and leave as family. As it should be.


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